Contact us

Contact us

Please contact the estate office by:

Telephone – 01669 640030
Post – Holystone Estate, Low Farnham, Sharperton, Morpeth NE65 7AQ.

To find us, try the sat nav with NE65 7AQ. (Word of caution when coming from Elsdon only: don’t turn left at Hepple, the estate road is gated, make sure you use Greenside Bank – it’s about another 1.5 miles further down the B6341 on the left). Alternatively, follow the easy instructions below.

Directions from Rothbury. Head out towards Elsdon after 3 miles go through Thropton on B6341 carry on for another 2 miles and you see a stable yard on the left followed by a sharp bend to the left at that point carry straight across into a lane called Greenside Bank. Carry on for 1.3 miles the first lane on the left is signposted Higher and Lower Farnham, turn here and the lodge is nestled about 1 mile along on the left-hand side just past the farm complex.

Directions from Elsdon. Head toward Rothbury on B6341 after 6 miles and having driven through Hepple you will see Caistron Fishery on the right. Just about half a mile past the road swings dramatically to the right turn left up a lane called Greenside Bank. Carry on for 1.3 miles the first lane on the left is signposted Higher and Lower Farnham, turn here and the lodge is nestled about 1 mile along on the left-hand side just past the farm complex.